Homestead Beginnings

It’s been awhile since posting here on this poor, neglected blog. In case you don’t follow me elsewhere online, we moved out of our little old home in the suburbs back in late April and into a manufactured home on four acres outside town. It was a spontaneous decision in some ways, and long overdue in others, and if we had waited even just one week longer to list our house, we would have chickened out entirely because the week we accepted the offer on our old place was the week social distancing and empty toilet paper shelves at the grocery stores became a thing.

Fast forward five months into the future, and here we are at the new place, having mostly settled in with several major projects knocked off the to-do list. Sometimes we drive by the old house when we’re in town and feel grateful it’s no longer where we pull in the driveway, hang up our keys, take off our shoes… I thought I would miss it more than I do, and maybe I will feel more nostalgic about it in the future, but for now I’m just so grateful that this is our home and that we’re here, pouring every ounce of energy into this place every single day.

On Sundays, Matt and I huddle together at night before bed with our phones and plan out the minute details of every moment of every day for the coming week. Somehow we manage to fit in an hour or two here for this project, 20 minutes there for that one. It’s not a sustainable way of existing, but there’s so much we are hoping to accomplish before the weather turns on us, and time, as usual, is just flying by. The light is already changing. How is it already August?

Anyway, if you want to know what we’ve been up to, I’ve got a couple homestead vlogs up on YouTube (see below). They aren’t very long, but of course they take an enormous amount of time to edit, especially because so much of the footage is old or taken by Matt (he has been filming too!), so I have to go through it to make sure I’m not missing anything. Hopefully I’ll have you all caught up by the end of the month so they aren’t so hefty to edit and I can publish them a bit more consistently. That’s the hope, anyway. To settle down a bit in the coming months and establish more of a routine.

For those of you who have been following along, thank you so much for your support and your encouragement. It means a great deal to us. We have big plans for our homestead, and I can’t wait to share them with you and take you along as they come to fruition.

P.S. Some of you have been asking if I’m planning to start a Patreon account. I feel like it’s not the right choice for us right now, especially while the kids are so little and my posting is so sporadic, but if you’d like to support our work, please know it means so much just to have you following along and interacting with our content.

That said, I have opened up a Ko-Fi account here where we can accept donations. Anything you donate will go straight into getting our homestead up and running. Please know we appreciate any and all forms of support more than we can possibly say. Thank you for being here.


Einkorn Chocolate Chip Cookies with Peanut Butter


Simple Beeswax Candles