Roasted Tomato Soup

Hello and good morning! Last month, I posted this image on Instagram with a short rundown of the recipe somewhere in the comments section, and it seems to have piqued everyone's tomato soup-loving interest, so I thought I'd go ahead and formally publish the recipe here for you on the blog. We make this soup several times per year, especially in August and September when we're up to our ears in tomatoes. I highly recommend the best, most flavorful tomatoes you can get your hands on for this recipe because it really lets the flavor shine. Enjoy!

(P.S. This really isn't a food blog, but you wouldn't know by looking at it.)

Roasted Tomato Soup

Roasted Tomato Soup

Yield: Serves 2-4
Author: A Wooden Nest


  • 3lbs (8-10 medium sized) tomatoes, rinsed and sliced in half
  • 1 medium onion, peeled and roughly sliced
  • 6 cloves garlic, left in skins, with rough ends sliced off
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 cups stock or water
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Sprigs of fresh herbs, like thyme or rosemary
  • Cream (optional)



Optional Ideas:

-Add a bell pepper or two, seeded and sliced in half, to the cookie sheet for roasted tomato soup with bell peppers.

-Add herbs like thyme, rosemary, or basil to the simmering pot for additional flavor.


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